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I saw Linda for the first time yesterday and it was amazing! I literally felt my body “releasing” and opening up allowing room for healing. I felt extremely light after the session and throughout the rest of the evening. I will be scheduling another appointment in a couple of weeks as this is definitely one of the best alternative healing modalities that I have ever experienced! Thank you Linda for facilitating this healing for me.
— Andrea P
I was struggling with migraines and anxiety disorder for many years and Linda was able to reduce my anxiety so I am able to function without medicine and migraine medicine. Linda helped me so much and I would highly recommend her.
— Lauren M.
“Linda was able to make me feel better in a matter of minutes. My pain dissolved and I left feeling much better. “Thank you Linda”
— SN
Linda worked wonders on Rebecca ( 3 month old). Linda has magic hands!
— Carol M.