My Journey in Healing
As a child I was very intuitive and felt that my purpose in life was to help people by going into health care, which I have been doing for the last 30 years. I was able to sense people's pain and discomforts and where it originated from. Ibegan my holistic journey 15 years ago by attending Reiki classes. I realized that traditional medicine was not enough to change the root causes of disease. I was introduced to CranioSacral Therapy in 2007 and began to listen to what people's bodies wanted and needed to heal themselves. I love feeling the body unwind under my hands to self correct and begin healing. I am now able to receive information from the body to further assist it to heal. Root causes of dis-ease may range from a lack of nutrients to emotionally-held restrictions in the cells or blockages. The client leads the healing process; I am just a conduit to the healing process. I love working with healing energy, following what the body needs in that moment and letting it direct me to aid in each client's healing. Working in this field is my life's calling.
I have been a health care practitioner for over 30 years in Occupational Therapy. My holistic journey began in Reiki in 2002 than becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher in 2015. In 2007 I also began training in Craniosacral Therapy and completed Advanced courses with Upledger Institution. I than continued my training in Multiple Energy Healing Modalities, (that includes Reiki, Karuna, Magnified Healing, Integrated Energy Therapy). which enhanced my abilities to Intuitively sense imbalances within the body.
In 2015, I became a Certified Natural Health Practitioner and Holistic Nutritionist to further my knowledge of the bodies desire to self heal through nutrients/supplements/exercises. .
Member of Holistic Community Professionals
Linda Ciotto, CNHP
CNHP-Certified Natural Health Practitioner
The Practitioner treats a person’s well-being by taking into consideration all aspects of life. Recognize the interconnection of body, mind and spirit and the importance of treating the whole person rather than separate body parts and adopting a holistic approach. To see the value in treating health conditions with natural, alternative and preventative methods.
CranioSacral Practitioner - Advance Training with Upledger Institute
Reiki Master/Teacher and Integrated Energy Therapy- Master/Teacher