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Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese technique that is used to heal physical and mental trauma, and to support mental clarity and spiritual well-being. In Japanese, the word "rei" refers to a higher intelligence that permeates all living and nonliving entities and guides the inherent functioning of the universe.

Energy healing is one of the oldest forms of healing in the world.  Everything in the universe is composed of energy.  The physical body can be considered the densest expression of the human energy field.  The root of human problems are energy problems. Thought is followed by energy. Changes in the human energy field are expressed in the body over the course of time.  A free flow of energy is essential to health and well-being.  Facilitating the smooth flow of energy throughout the energy field by the removal of the blocks or congestion, Healing Energy provides a professional, alternative and complementary therapy option for people who prefer to take a holistic approach to their health and wellness.  Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems and blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.  These blocks obstruct the vital flows of energy through our body and energy systems that are necessary for our health and well-being. Over time this leads to illness and depleted mental and emotional reserves.  Energetic healing helps restore these vital flows.

Appointments available for a session.  

Reiki Classes Offered - email if interested.


The Benefits for Reiki :

Reduce Emotional stress & trauma
Alleviation of pain and physical ailments
Relief of everyday stress and anxiety
Increased vitality and energy
Improved performance and concentration
Assists with healing on all levels of mind, body, spirit
Personal growth
Spiritual development
Improved sense of well being
Improved overall health